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Association Regulations

 ( updated January 2015)

Mission Statement: To provide youth swine exhibitors in Colorado with a network of support and opportunity to gain knowledge in the purebred, show pig, and commercial swine industry. 

The Organization: 
1. CJSA is designated for the Spring and Summer show pig circuit in Colorado which is composed of sanctioned shows and youth development. 
2. The representatives of CJSA will serve as the official record keepers. 
3. The show season will take place from April-June of each year. 
4. Points will be totaled from all sanctioned shows. 
5. Any grievances must be presented to a CJSA Personal Relations Officer, IN WRITING, within 24 hours of the incident and be accompanied by a $100 non- refundable fee. Once a grievance is filed, then CJSA may use any evidence presented to said organization, or acquired by said organization, to determined if a rule has been broken. It will be the CJSA Boardʼs decision to determine the consequence taken toward the person(s) in violation. All CJSA Board decisions are final. 

Membership Eligilbility: 
1. Membership is open to all Colorado swine exhibitors ages 3-18 (as of Jan. 1st of the current year). 
2. A $35 membership fee will be assessed to become a member of the CJSA. 
3. Members must be signed up and paid before the beginning of the show. 
4. Points will not be accumulated until membership dues are paid. 
5. CJSA is not responsible for accidents. 

 Membership Benefits:
A. Eligibility for pointʼs awards
B.Leadership opportunities 
C. CJSA t-shirt

The CJSA Board: 
1. The CJSA Board shall consist of 9 at-large representatives. Each representative, other than the Junior Board Advisor, will serve a 3-year-term. Past President will be ex-officio. 
2. President
      *Shall make 50% of the shows.
      *Breaks ties breakers in voting
      *Call meetings, set agenda
      *Create any letters that need to go out as a result of a complaint or grievance.
3. Vice President
      *Shall make 60% of the shows.
      *Schedules CJSA representatives and volunteers for each sanctioned show.

4. Secretary
      *Shall collect and calculate points. 
      *Send points, in a timely fashion, to webmaster following each sanctioned show. 
      *Maintain minutes of every meeting.
5. Treasurer
      *Shall manage finances throughout the year. 
      *Provide a financial report at every meeting. 
      *Write checks with board approval.
      *Be an authorized signer on the bank account.

6. Public Relations 
      *Shall receive all complaints and grievances filed. 
      *Report to the board the complaints and grievances.
7. Sponsorship Coordinator
      *Shall collect sponsorship funds from businesses and individuals.
      *Request the help of other board members and CJSA members to collect sponsorships, as needed. 
      *Provide a report to the board on the level of sponsorships at each meeting. 
      *Be an authorized signer of the bank account.
8. Reporter
     *Shall publicize CJSA and CJSA activities through media, social media and other means of communication. 
     *Oversee creation and printing of CJSAʼs sponsor banners. 
     *Request the help of other board members and CJSA members to hang banners, set up booths, an organize/coordinate year-end prizes. 
9. Junior Board Member
     *Responsible for youth extracurricular and leadership activities.
     *Request the help of other board members and CJSA members to execute said extracurricular and leadership activities. 
     * One-year term; said individual may be re-elected by membership with no limit to the number of terms one may serve. 
        Position will be voted on during the year-end CJSA Voting. 

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